Day 61…an error in my thinking

Or I won’t be doing that again……..

In an attempt at compliancy and really just to have a look at the geographically closest salt water to me I set out this morning for the Mouth of the Neath River. There is a nice bit of sand there and there should be estuarine species.

If I was to judge the trip on flora and fauna of Welsh salt marshes it was an excellent morning, larks singing and ringing up, waders, swifts and swallows marshland plants, what an amazing place.

If I were to judge it by the fishing….. not so good in fact shite. I had seen the nice bit of sand from the road. As I am unfamiliar with it I arrived at the turn of the tide so I could see how it went out, if there were any gullies which may fill early and cut me off.

I got the rods out, set up baited up and cast out. The water disappears at frightening speed, no sooner were the baits in the water than I needed to move, and that is how it went. Ankle deep water everywhere I looked even when I walked further and further out and then when I looked further to my right a sandbar was appearing about four hundred yards out.

I did try a couple of casts into the river mouth itself and managed to hold bottom for a while with a five ounce breakout lead but these were bounced out by weed. I did keep searching for water but for me it is just too shallow.

I am not disheartened or despondent but a return trip is very unlikely when there are more suitable marks close by. OK that is a lie, the place was a massive disaster for a mornings fishing and to compound this I had only taken a couple of photos while I was there.

I went there, I looked, I went home.

Looks like an early morning visit to some nearby rockmarks are in order tomorrow.



About Baitdigger

Welcome to the Wanderings of baitdigger where I try to keep a record of my fishing journey through County Clare and South Wales.
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