Day 77….. and today everyone is offended

What is wrong with the world ? One bunch of racists screaming at another bunch of racists. Ethnic minorities thinking they are the only minority and excluding the other minorities  from their battle slogans.

Cries to pull down landmark statues of long dead slavers and even Winston Churchill, arguably the greatest British political leader of out time, who also happened to be responsible for many racial atrocities?

History cannot be changed but it can be learned from… unless we stick it away in a shoe box and pretend it never happened because some people find it offensive. I want to say that no one of my generation or three generations before me owns a slave and no one of my generation has been a slave but I do not feel this is  totally true so I will restrict it to Africans are no longer pulled from their native land en-mass and taken to the New World to work on plantations, chosen over Irish slaves because it was  easier to transport them and Africans did not succumb to tropical diseases as easily as their Irish counterparts and therefore were better value for money.

Modern day slaves are in debt not chains.

Get that chip off your shoulder and get on with the short life we are given. Be nice to people and they just might repay the kindness.

The Galway Boi surprised me this morning when he called me to help him with his home schooling, proper home schooling not the lessons I have been teaching him. “Get on with it your self it isn’t rocket science” I shouted up the stairs only to find that it was actually rocket science as taught to eleven year olds. Forces of thrust, drag and gravity and how they would affect the flight of a rocket. Tomorrow we get to follow up the theory and make our own rocket from a large bottle of coke and a pack of mentos.


The sandeel slugs duly arrived from the Ebay seller, in both the right colour and size. The two used ones in the image were originally the same dirty silver colour but thrown in a bag with other used soft plastics the dye soon bleeds to them. Just a warning if you intend to store them with others of a stronger colour.

I liked these from the first promotional video by Savagegear  for which I am not responsible for the music.

If you watch the video on the savagegear link I will have no need to explain how to use them.

I have not yet tried twin rigging them. this is done by using two swivels. The first of which is tied on to your leader with around eighteen inches of hooklength down to your jig head and eel. The second is free-running on the leader above the fixed swivel. the hooklength on this must be shorter than the eighteen inch length on the bottom. In the video it looks awesome but I cant help but think I would get tangled on every single cast.

The 140mm is too long for the average mackerel to take even though they hit them time after time but they are lethal for wrasse, bass and pollack off the rocks.

About Baitdigger

Welcome to the Wanderings of baitdigger where I try to keep a record of my fishing journey through County Clare and South Wales.
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1 Response to Day 77….. and today everyone is offended

  1. alainpaddy says:

    Hi Neil ,
    I love your analysis of slavery!! Good look!

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