Day 85…. seeking positives?

Friday 19th June and the Welsh Assembly announced it’s next steps in the fight against covid 19.

I should have known the outcome when the girl behind Mark Drakeford who was translating his speech into sign language appeared to be making the ‘wanker’ sign as he spoke, and not the BSL or Makaton one.

Why go to the trouble of a televised announcement when so many leaks have already prior released the limited changes and that there will be no change to the five mile recommended travel limit to fish?  I say recommended as this is not enshrined in law and therefore not enforceable by a police force with better things to do with their valuable time that chase anglers whose right to carry out their pastime was set out by King John in 1215. The Magna Carta stated the common man had rights to access resources such as sea fishing and this is one of the few edicts which has not been repealed.

Sadly (or maybe not) this document does not give us the right to roam and do as we please. Later legislation states Jettys, piers, harbours, ports and marine conservation areas may be off limits. Fish can only be taken when they reach an acceptable size(for which we should be thankful) and local councils have the right to restrict bait collection in certain areas.

The closure of car parks is likely to uphold the no travel recommendation as we are forced to park illegally and render ourselves liable for parking fines as traffic wardens are deemed essential key workers?

To many of the general public the Labour Welsh government appears to be contradicting Bojo for political point scoring rather than basing decisions on hard medical or scientific evidence, I wonder if the same public will remember this during the next election?

It is infeasible that bureaucratic lunacy prevails and inconsistency can be sustained for so long. I guess I will still be allowed to ride forty miles on my bike though? Retail parks are set to re-open, non-essential shops can carry out there trade, let the chaos ensue.  Most shoppers cannot follow the simple one way system in Tescos, how are they going to manage when the get to peruse and fondle garments and the like?

My kids are back to school on the 29th just a few hours a week so I have ten days to reverse their sleeping pattens. The Girl Child has been told she is not to bring a back pack or lunch so I cannot see that lasting very long. The Galway Boi suggested he has done enough primary schooling and won’t be going back until High School in September. The school have counter-suggested he might like just to come in on a Monday for a few hours, sounds like a winner to me.

On the bright side a suggestion of July 6th has been muted for the lift of travelling restrictions. So the mackerel should start to come in and tope fishing down West is on the cards? The long range weather forecast (guess) suggests seasonal averages which isn’t much help when year on year the weather for July is shit. According to TWO, (theweatheroutlook), the seasonal forecast suggested increasingly unsettled weather during the second half of July.  A dry and settled month isn’t considered the most probable outcome. So the weather is not colluding with my intentions of happiness. But I will try anyway.


About Baitdigger

Welcome to the Wanderings of baitdigger where I try to keep a record of my fishing journey through County Clare and South Wales.
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2 Responses to Day 85…. seeking positives?

  1. alainpaddy says:

    Hi Neil ,
    the mackerel have arrived at the coast, at home!

    • Baitdigger says:

      There is nothing like fresh mackerel for bait or to eat. They are a fantastic little fighting fish when taken on a light lure rod.

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